Friday, April 28, 2006


Well, its 5:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. It's kinda great.

I finally finished my screen project and it turned out to be something pretty neat. The stress caused by Studio X is slowly becoming something I can deal with. I might not even hurt Dick the next time I see him. hmmm...

Brett modeled for Drawing from the Human Form (the pic is a sketch I did, it looks better when you can see all the colors) Richard thinks we hate eachother and it's quite funny. After class we hung out forever. Everyone from CALF was chillin with us and we all ate dinner together. And then Brett just HAD to call my mom because he missed her. He's fucking crazy, but whatevs. He's got a new girl, so the stress is off and we can just be goofy like in the old days. I don't hate it.

I talked to Jess and it was about as amazing as it could be.
Reasons I will heart Jess forever:
1.) she's my #1 pick to be my girlfriend if I ever become a lesbian.
2.) she listens to me go on FOREVER and doesn't judge
3.) she's in love
4.) she likes rap music
5.) she really likes online shopping
6.) sometimes I believe she's a god...well most times
7.) she's a crazy bitch
8.) she's got nice titties
9.) I miss her like crazy when she not around.

well the sun is coming up and I'm gonna try to get some shut eye before the morning is officially here.

tomorrow night is eric's show (well actually tonight) and I'm excited to chill tomorrow and not be working for a second.


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