Friday, March 03, 2006

I'd like to check into the panorama.

So guys I'm quite stoned right now and so I believe its the best time to write something great and meaningful and crazy, but really just great.

The bitch left without saying good bye, Shannon Robins, a girl I love and respect, left without saying good-bye. WTF? That shit hurts, why do I leave my room? oh yeah, to find people to have sex with me, but lately I haven't had to leave my room for that, so why do I leave my room? ridddle me that.

I'm going home tomorrow, no more worries for a few days, word. Everyone kinda ditched out at the last minute, but Will and I will have fun, I mean I'm not pissed or anything but everyone thought I was like the coolest ever and was all like "yeah angie, shit, spring break, Michigan, all the cool people go there and you're the coolest Angie Szarenski, you are without a doubt the master of all things that are awesome and/or totally sweet, nice." I was digging that, my fans that is, but then everyone turned in to a hater and wanna go to New Jersey or have all this work to do, and it's like my father doesn't really love me and my life is falling apart and my artwork will never be cool enough for the big kids on the playground and everyone is smiling when I get the crown.

Brett modeled for my drawing class yesterday, Richard loves him more than me cause Brett can stand still for 2903834082 hours. All the girls were talking about him and calling him superman and looking at his privates and asking eachother if he went to Green Mountain and I just wanted to scream. It's the first time I've ever been jealous and felt like I had to make sure everyone knew he was mine......and then he got in the laying down pose. I couldn't do it becaue he was laying down and my lower area was freakin out, so I called Richard over. He leaned down to help me and his knee was touching my back and he smelled like soap and he kept telling me to check the angle of Brett's nipples and and I could barely handle myself, so I exploded right there and now I'm talking to you from the other side of life. I don't even exist anymore, except for my vagina which is just waiting for him to do the laying down pose again for her chance to strike.

Well that is all I got, surprised???? You shouldn't be, that's just life and sometimes that's all there is.


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