Wednesday, March 01, 2006

I'm slowing becoming damaged goods.

I really like staying in my room, I almost feel blind when go out into the light and have to say hi to people that I only know because I told them I loved their shirt when I was drunk. I have to ask how they're doing and say that I can't wait to hang out with them again. I'm gonna let everyone in on a little secret, I don't like most people but I have a very convincing smile. So watch your back, cause I might be behind it, running away from you because I don't wanna have an awkward conversation with you.

Well guys, I've been listening to a lot of Black Eyed Peas lately. I enjoy dancing in the mirror while smoking a nice little ciggie. I am sure that I was a fly ass bitch in my other life and I had a great butt, like a big one that you can actually see when I'm wearing clothes.

Stress all around me and every time I take my eyes off it, it comes around and slaps me in the face with one of those orange construction cones. I'm ready to go home for day. I wanna smoke cigs with my momma, laugh like a bad ass, eat good food, sleep on the couch, and be in Peck for a little bit, just to make sure everything is still running smoothly since I left. I write long sentence because I don't breathe. Fact.

And that's all for the day, tomorrow will be filled with classes and Dick Weis yelling at me because I haven't started my big painting yet. Fear. It will however end with Brett modeling half naked for my drawing class, so life is not all bad.

That pic is me the way I wish I always was. Tan.


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