We raise our glass, you bet your ass to La VIe Boheme!
It's official, half way through my spring break and I have nothing to show for it. My work load is ridiculous and I'm just putting that shit off like the freakin plague.
I hung out with good ol Bretty yesterday. He was very shiny and tan, like new car smell. He kept smiling, it looked like his big white teeth were gonna eat the rest of his face. He was being very sexy, saying crazy things, basically making my very nervous. The first thing he did when he walked in was lay on my bed with me. What did I do in the face of possibly getting a little afternoon nookie???? Nothing, well not nothing. I got up, sat on my couch, curled up in the fetal position and cried like a child who lost her bike. It turns out I didn't really want that bike or at least I didn't want to ride it at that point. After a few hours of playing the game he left, I didn't blame him, I was exhausted myself. The act of sex is tiring, but the act of the before stuff is even more horrible, especially if ends in nothing happening.
I don't care if Justin smelled or was weird or whatever, that fucker knew how to get to the damn point.
Will and I went to Michigan this weekend to see my fam scene. It was a short trip but we had a good time. Here's the highlights:
1.) Will watched porn with my uncle and dad.
2.) Will hit a small helpless bunny at 6 in the morning.
3.) We heard a bomb go off, a plane landing, and/or UFOs in Whitehall, NY.
4.) Saw Niagara Falls during the day and it was beautiful.
5.) Ate Dairy Queen.
6.) Spent a lot of time singing as loud as we could in the car to any song we knew at least one word to.
7.) Decided to become a touring duet who only sings "Piano Man"
And then we came home.
Well I have to work tonight and then come home and continue to do nothing at all. Maybe a movie and sweet, sweet sleep. There will probably be some masturbation in all that, because I've got time bitches. Word.
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