Sunday, February 12, 2006

I guess it goes without say that I wasn't about to throw some yogurt on an unconscious woman's feet

There comes a point in every gynie's life when she needs to ask herself, "Self, should I continue making cheese steak sandwiches or throw Tom Stuessy's vanilla latte off his table and ride him like a helpless pony?"
i'm now hiding under my covers with my computer. I feel like I'm ten and I've just made the sweetest tent to live in for life.
i'm listening to larry king live and he's asking some guy from the show "growing pains" about his love for cooking. Larry just asked "Do you cook with a Wok?" Who comes up with the questions for this stupid fucking show?
according to shannon justin smells. she says he smells not so great. pretty much, she says he smells bad. I guess I never smelled him real good. I did have sex with him though. You'd think I'd be able to pick out a stinky guy if I'm doing a little front to action with him. i think my nose is retarded.(that pic I have includes the stinky guy)
I'm gonna end by saying that pauly shore is hot.........i wonder if he smells too?


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