Thursday, March 09, 2006

Fuck sleep.

I drank a shit load of coffee today and now my brain is in over drive. I just spent FOREVER updating my facebook, someone cool better comment on that shit or I will have worked for nothing. Seriously I need a life.

I'm talking very fast.

I think I have an idea for my painting, don't ask about it, just know it's under construction full force.

I don't like being alone at night. I just don't I keep trying to convince myself that I'm alone and that doesn't mean I have to feel lonely. Well, it's not working, I need lots of good cuddling. I need a warm body, someone who won't ask to much of me or insist on having 2349845 emo conversations about "where we're going". Reminder to self, don't call Brett late at night when you're on a caffeine binge, he will only make you wanna break things.

And that my friends is what we call closure.

Well now, I'm just crying, it's this fuckin great, what the hell is happening?


At 1:09 AM , Blogger Pacific NW Female said...

seriously ditto! except I have a bf, but he's on the road . . .


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