Friday, January 11, 2008

I bumped my lip on biscuit you slut. Edit Edit Edit.

So the most important thing I neeed to talk aboout. This is serious and is not to be taken lighty. Deap breath and....I'm a Guitar Hero rock legend. Some of you may remember the days of Mario Cart and Super Smash, I was not good. In fact, people may have said "That Angie, she is actually bad at these games, its not even fun to play with her because she lacks the skillz to make playing worth while" Well to all you na sayers, I say in your face suckazzz!!! I rock at guitar hero and I am actually competion. I only had one day of victory with Mario Cart, which to this day Alex denies. Well I challenge you to guitar hero so there will be no question about my ability to melt your face with my virtual guitar playing skilllz. I'm always getting better and I just know how to feel the beat, Jealous? You should be.

The Shaw's job is in the bag. Word. The people who work there are crazy. Like my kind of crazy, so they are pretty much awesome. Awesome like champions. I like people who are winners. I esspecially like people who don't win but then act like they do after the race. Those are the people I wanna chill with. I'm actually jealous of how awesome I could become working at a sweet job like that. I'm ready. (there's Rocky music playing in my head right now, on a loop, so it just keeps jammin)

I will rock your face off with my decorating skilllzzz. Edible images, yup gonna be learning a shit load about edible images.

And now to correct mistakes made in my last post

"and the bubble bursts ... she'll be a sophomore at Plymouth State in May, hasn't 'dated' anyone, and is enjoying random casual sex with the fudgemeister himself, not Mr. B. But don't let that ruin your Shaw's bakery legacy; yes, it's a terribly pathetic accessory to your delusional existence" unknown writer.

Apparently I recieved some bunk information from a friend of an ex lover man. I will take back the things I said to clear the air. I cannot take back that the post was funny. Funny. That's why I write on this thing for all to read. To be funny, to inflate my ever growing, ironic ego. I will make fun of you for smoking while I light one up, I will tell you your music sucks while I'm listening to musicals, I will make fun of you for your current dating satus while I'm unwillingly staying celibate and literally watching my hymen grow back. It may have been wrong for me to post the things I did, but I don't claim to be the Encyclopedia Britanica here, the "Gynie Show" is in no way a reputable peer reviewed journal. Take what you will from what I say. I'm an not a writer, I just play one on the internet. I'm also 5' 10'', blonde, skinny, with high check bones, a tight ass, and average sized breasts. Just kidding, I have huge party hats.

So I take it back and apologize. But I will not erase it because in the moment I wrote it, I sincerly thought it was true. And I really thought it was funny. Sometimes you gotta take a risk to make the joke. Lesson learned.

I need a cigarette. Like a freakin beast of tabacco.


At 12:56 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Consider Angie's Guitar Here skills reputably peer reviewed. Why do you even waste the batteries on a vibrator???!!! Punkass.


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