Sunday, January 06, 2008

Elizabeth Taylor knows how to suffer

I read some of my old live journal entries today. That was the best idea ever. God, I was freakin hilarious. Where do I send those? because I think I could make alot of money just on being really funny and awesome. I actually feel bad for the entire world because they may never know the extent of my genius. Their loss.

I'm just as weird now. Let's take this second for example. I've been watching TBS all night. The Wedding Planner and then The Wedding date....twice. Being me is pretty awesome. I started cleaning during all of this. Just cleaning and moving things, moving things that looked fine in that corner...but for some reason I just don't think those things should be in that corner any more. And this should be moved 1/16 of an inch to the side and the color isn't right on that wall and I think we all should just clean our places of living. Then you never have to really work things out or make desicions because at least you have your fucking house clean. I will rock you.

I think in the end I will be dancing, dancing with a man with dark eyes, and dark hair, with a deep voice, who smells really really good adn won't have weird patches of hair on their back...and then we'll come home and watch Scrubs, because that show is hilarious.

Its I'm gonna continue to wacth TBS.

and that's what happens.


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