Sunday, November 25, 2007

As we stumble along.

"So that was the Drowsy Chaperone. Oh I love it so much. I...I know it's not a perfect show. The spit take scene is lame and the monky motif is labored but it does what a musical is supposed to do. It takes you to another world. And it gives you a little tune to give you to carry with you in your head for..for when you're feeling know?" -Man in Chair

This is the end of the show i just saw. And this is why i fucking love all theater, musical more than most things.

I will forever be a slave to a glass of wine. Bob and Cindy invited me over for dinner. The feed me wine like I was a starving gerbil. I stumbled home and tripped a little. By a little, I mean for real. I have a nice little wound on my knee, a perfect wound. It didn't bleed, it just hurt a little. Luckily I was to drunk to feel embarassed I just laughed, I laughed so hard that when I got home I had to pee so bad my body was shakin. No matter how pathetic...I love my life on most days.

I'm figuring it out. So everyone just chill th fuck out.


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