Thursday, January 10, 2008

I blame Oprah for the fact that John Krasinski is not my lover.

Well ladies and gentleman, life has decided to tickle my funny bone once again. Its as if this world just won't stop, it keeps getting better and better. After a little chat with an old friend from my relationship with Mr. B. Smalls...I was told that he is, in fact, dating a girl who is still in high school.....and to add a sweet little cherry on that cheap Stewart's sundae, this girl is also doing the private front to front with Mr. E! E! E! E! himself, Noah. hahahah


It hurts so good to be the sane one some days.

And where does that leave me you ask? I could cry into fourteen glasses of wine knowing that my stupid ex is bangin some girl who probably like totally gushes over him in 5th period, with all her super popular friends, who like all have personalized ipods and spend 40 hours a day on myspace. But I have decided to take the high road. Only one glass of wine, no tears, 5 hours on facebook, a rant on my blog, and a small Friends marathon to get me to sleep.

Even though I don't have some hot young jail bate to have sex with, I do have a "contract" with Brett to marry him if we're still single at 30. Suck on that Trebek...

I have a job interview at the Shaw's bakery tomorrow, please tell me that sounds less pathetic than it feels. Doesn't matter how many resumes I send out....working at a grochery store with my degree in Fine Arts was always what I wanted to do. Esspecially now that I'm single and living below Jesus, who just happens to look like an overweight 60 year old woman that used to be into coccaine and acid...and it married to the town drunk.

Life is a magical ride.
Join me, won't you?


At 8:23 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

and the bubble bursts ... she'll be a sophomore at Plymouth State in May, hasn't 'dated' anyone, and is enjoying random casual sex with the fudgemeister himself, not Mr. B. But don't let that ruin your Shaw's bakery legacy; yes, it's a terribly pathetic accessory to your delusional existence.

At 7:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mr. B, is that you?!?!


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