Wednesday, December 12, 2007

I will not stop until I'm so sustainable my life will mean nothing. Eat that.

There are two types of people in this world, People I like and people I don't like. There are few cases that ride the line. You fall into one of the catagories. Even I don't know I could love or hate you already. I jugde before there is even a meeting. I'm a pro. I wish I got money to judge people. I would be so fuckin rich. I would buy friends and people's love. It would be awesome. My whole life would be like shopping at Old Navy.

Something I learned this month...FUCK ICE. I can't even be outside without fearing my entire life. It all flashes in front of my eyes everytime I get near my door. So I stay inside where its safe. The only thing I worry about here is phone calls and my crazy neighbors. But they're almost not a problem anymore because I've started sing the broom. All it takes is a few taps on the ceiling and a violet "GIVE ME A BREAK" towards the sky. Problem fuckin solved.
I'm a problem solver.
I'm the peace keeper.
I will get you while you're sleeping.
I will watch Friends will the volume so loud you'll wish I was the one screaming.
I will cut you.

I want to drink more and think less.
I want men to be human, instead of the people I keep having to "flirt" with.
I want to read something that makes me scream.

I'm not violent, just serious. Very serious about being awesome and being funny.
And watching Scrubs and tanning. Also going to Wal-mart and getting really good deals.

I'm out.


At 2:59 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

don't beleive the positive things you tell yourself.

At 9:45 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

i don't get it


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