Wednesday, November 21, 2007

The Drowsy Chaperone inspriration.

Holy shit people, I just saw a musical tonight. It was awesome. It was colorful, loud, funny, and basically kick ass. I want to be on stage with a glittery dress, long legs, tight hair, and a voice like magic. I would prefer to be with my friends, they would all know the words to the song. It would be a catchy song, so catchy that even people who like slow deep emo bullshit would come around and realize that life was but a song. And also realize that if you are sad you should sing and dance not slit your wrists. We'd all just be there and wars would stop, no one would be hungry and Friends DVDs would be handed out like bibles. Then there would be fireworks. a lot of fireworks. I would suddenly appear as if I was born from the colorful flame of the largest, loudest firework. In the end people would jump up screaming because it was so good. I would be the only one with the solo bow. I'd practice a humble wave before hand so as not to look as though i was expecting all of this.
So this is probably gonna happen.


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