Sunday, November 11, 2007

In a world of hopeless posibility there's gotta be somthing.

November 11th....there I said it.
Moment of sadness today=would have been a year today. But it is not.
Not that I'm one of those people looking for pity, but I am. So yeah, feel sorry for me because I'm going through something millions of people already have. A break-up. How do you make that shit funny, its just too hard...that's what she said.
Well know we know. Lesson learned

Said good-bye to the deli life today. That place has been an interesting scene in my life. It has lead me to social situations that I never thought I would ever be in. Like sitting in the back on my break, smoking a cig, and taking a swig from a flask that Kenny and I were sharing....Kenny the guy who rides his bike around town a little drunk every day. I love that guy. Or Bob waliking into the bathroom, after I had just had a great experience, and was wiping my fun parts. He saw my gynie the second day I worked there. I think that's when we knew we'd be friends.That day led to our secret handshake.

Where the fuck is my bed? That's where I should be now.


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