Friday, April 28, 2006


Well, its 5:30 in the morning and I can't sleep. It's kinda great.

I finally finished my screen project and it turned out to be something pretty neat. The stress caused by Studio X is slowly becoming something I can deal with. I might not even hurt Dick the next time I see him. hmmm...

Brett modeled for Drawing from the Human Form (the pic is a sketch I did, it looks better when you can see all the colors) Richard thinks we hate eachother and it's quite funny. After class we hung out forever. Everyone from CALF was chillin with us and we all ate dinner together. And then Brett just HAD to call my mom because he missed her. He's fucking crazy, but whatevs. He's got a new girl, so the stress is off and we can just be goofy like in the old days. I don't hate it.

I talked to Jess and it was about as amazing as it could be.
Reasons I will heart Jess forever:
1.) she's my #1 pick to be my girlfriend if I ever become a lesbian.
2.) she listens to me go on FOREVER and doesn't judge
3.) she's in love
4.) she likes rap music
5.) she really likes online shopping
6.) sometimes I believe she's a god...well most times
7.) she's a crazy bitch
8.) she's got nice titties
9.) I miss her like crazy when she not around.

well the sun is coming up and I'm gonna try to get some shut eye before the morning is officially here.

tomorrow night is eric's show (well actually tonight) and I'm excited to chill tomorrow and not be working for a second.

Monday, April 24, 2006

when I get bigger........

There are days is a person's life, when you just wanna punch people in the face all day long. I was just looking at people today and I thought to myself "Man, they just look like they need to get punched in the face cause they just suck at life right now." Then I thought about how horrible it would be if someone just punched me in the face for sucking at life (even though I'd deserve it if I sucked at life) and I decided that I'd settle for just burning someone with a lit cigarette.

I realized today that I WILL be able to finish my work and I am not going to explode with stress and tobacco before I do. I will, however, come dangerously close. I was also able to get Friday off at the deli so I've pretty much been peeing myself over that all day and it was HOT!!!

I had the craziest dream last night, well not crazy crazy. I was married to Brett and there were huge shandalears everywhere in this big resturant he owned in New York City. I was painting while wearing a beautiful blue dress, that I probably purchased at Old Navy even though we had lots of money. If anyone is hip on the dream scene, I wonder what that means????

I'm about to talk to Jess. I like it and I like it.

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Only dopes do dope

"oh you're Angie"

the reason I drink is because people say those three words to me all to often.

I finished my tree from hell on Thursday night. I was very excited so I ran away to the bar to get my drink on. Joan is my new mom, I love her like woah that. Brett was there and that made me way more stressed than the tree ever did, so I decided the best idea was to just keep pounding back any alcoholic beverage I could get my hands on. It worked.
Anywho I drank way too much and a part of me died a little while I was laying on Dyle's bathroom floor regreting everything I've ever done in my life since the moment I was born.
No applause nessasary.

I have lost all my privacy ever. I came home last night at about 3 in the morning, just waiting to get in my bed, spread out and have a nice long sleep. So I go to grab my beautiful blanket that I'm absolutely in love with and Kate Glenn is sleeping under it, taking up my entire bed. I have no problem with people needing a place to crash, but I haven't slept alone in a coon's age and it's not because I'm getting any action (well, not in my bed), it's because people are crazy. This is my new Angie's bed rule: If you have not given me an orgasm before we go to bed, you can not sleep in my bed all night. And it's my choice if you actually get to try to give me the big O.
I'm posting that shit on my door.

Brett kinda sucks. I gotta let that kid go before I lose my mind. As long as I can cuddle with someone once in a while for the next few weeks, I'm happy. I don't need to be getting married to some crazy boy.

Well I have to be doing my work before I go to Brown Bag for the night. I love that place, but I hate walking there and knowing I don't have a choice about my plans for the night.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

"Don't touch many times have I heard that in my lifetime." Richard Wienstein

I believe I've bitten off more than I can chew for many reasons. These reasons span across my friends, my boys, my homework, and my artwork.

I took this week off from the deli to get some work done. I have succeeded in getting ridiculously stoned and repainting my 6 foot canvas to look like a bad acid trip. Shit dog.

Brett has been over for the past two nights. Yesterday he came over, we had a fun night, fun that included the Steven Colbert Report and not sex. He was here all afternoon and we layed on my couch together until the evening came. We were laughing at each other and his smile was like heaven. When his beautiful Greek body is laying next to me I freak out a little inside. What the hell am I waiting for with him??????? A fuckin written invitation. I really need to decide what I want. Or I could just keep smoking cigarettes and be alone with yellow teeth.

I want to jump on my bed in slow motion, I want to live in New York City, I want crust-less bread to be the same price as bread with crust, I want to win Mario Cart more than your mom, I want to be a painter that isn't afraid of mistakes, I want smaller boobs, I want a bigger butt, I want television in the shower, I want warm weather, I want to be holding hands with the man I love on the streets of Venice.

And that's all, I'm not funny tonight. Well actually I am, but I used it all up with Shannon. She gives me hope for humanity, but I still have no hope for her.

Seriously, I gotta go.