Sunday, July 06, 2008

Youre a creeeeeeppppeerrrr.

omigod you guys.....

Life is pretty freakin awesome right now. The theater is once again ruling my world like a fever. Everyday I'm there I'm just pumped to be chilin with the people I am in fact chillin with. Beautiful Beautful.
I don't think one knows what true happiness is until you break out into song, and not just any song, a little dittie from Legally Bonde The Musical. And when you break out into that song, no one is looking at you with puzzled and embarrassed faces, they are singing along with you. The whole moment feels like maybe there is hope in this world after all. There has to be if people still know how to sing songs that have no meaning whatsoever, except that jazz hand are just fucking fun to rock.

Not to mention I've been reminded how amazing long islands are again.

Hell yeah I'll take your ticket order and I will love every second of it because that is what I do. I will own the shit out of that all day if it means I get to be a part of this insane summer.

I've never been so entertained in ALL my life.


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