Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Like a tampon thief I had to pull some strings.

Its toooooooooo late for me to be up right now. I want to sleep, sleep, sleep. Unfortunately I decided that two long islands with dinner was a good idea....not just a good idea but a great idea. And then I realized I was wide wide awake and everyone I know is in bed.

I will be spending tomorrow working and when I say working, I mean wooooorrrrkkkkiing.

I spent my whole morning at the grandest grocery store on the planet. It smells like deli meat, cardboard, and air conditioning in that place. It's kinda like Walmart without the greeter when you first walk into the store. That guy sucks anyway, all you really need is a cart boy. Any more people up front is overkill. It borders showing off. Bastards.

I got to chat with CMB today. He went on a date with the new girl from the bakery last week. I was all cocky, tired, and shaking from the 40,000 cups of coffee I had drank before it was even 9 in the morning and I decided it would be in my best interest to ask him how the date was. So I did.
"So how was your date last week?"
"Oh, it was okay, but there was no sparks, so we're not going out again."
Now in my head I'm giving myself a mental high five because I'm so excited about this development. And I think 'okay here's your chance Ang, say something awesome, say something insightful, say something sexy, say something, say something, just fucking say SOMETHING!'
"Well I know about sparks, I smoke cigarettes ALL the time."
He laughed. But not in that 'wow this girl is super funny, really smart and kinda hot' sorta way, but more in that 'yeah she's kind of a loser with no conversational skilllzzz' kinda way.
Pride is really stupid invention and I've decided to veto the want for it. It looks stupid with my white collared shirt anyway.
End o story.

OKay well it's time for me to lay my weary head down. Tomorrow is opening night so in 24 hours I will be drinking free wine, dancing in the Colony House living room, and laughing my ass off because the people at my job rule. And life is good.


At 6:46 PM , Blogger Walkin A Road said...

ange i dont know what your so worried about, i think that's a great line...


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