There's this myth I once heard, if you hold your ear up to a vagina you'll hear the ocean.
What a long damned weekend.
I think I need a beard, it would make me look more sophisticated. I could scratch my beard and look like I was thinking about something really cool and important, but I'd really just be singing the words to the Rent soundtrack. But no one would suspect.
I did lots of work and hid in my room for the past two days. I ate some very delicious peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and looked at emo art.
My little Bretty came over tonight, we watched Family Guy and I thought about my socks a lot. They didn't match, I wondered if Brett was wishing they were the same color. I cleaned my room so he wouldn't freak out, but I forgot about the socks. I like him even though he's completely insane, and he likes me even though nothing about me is in order.
Well I believe next weekend I will drink, Beatles theme party on CALF, I like the sounds of that. Friday night will be a nice little fun time for Angie. Any one who wants to have a good time and won't act like a dick or make me pissed is welcomed to come.
I'm becoming a horrible person.