Saturday, February 23, 2008

The Wal-Mart in Sandusky Michigan is a palace of great deals and world peace.

I big sigh of relief is running through my body.

I got to hang out with real people last night...all the world makes sense when you get to talk about the world with people who fuckin get you. Even if you end up admitting shit that you desperately wanted to keep to yourself. I'm the worst secret keeper in the world, even if they're my own fucking secrets. Do not tell me things that you don't want anyone to know. I will post that shit on YouTube, write a song about it, and maybe star in a reality show about it. Then I'll be like "Dude I told you, you only have yourself to balme"

But then I'll do my Snoop Dog impression when I get drunk. So it might be a situation that's worth getting into. Gotta weigh the give and take precisely.

So Ang, how's the dating going? Um do not ask this question. I do not have an answer that will make sense. I did get an awesome letter from my favorite this morning. A hand written letter, its always so sickenly romantic when I get these letters. And I would totally laugh at these notes if I wasn't so helplessly melted afterward. I hate when my new critical view of love is challenged. He'll be much closer in March and I'm gonna be so pumped to see his face walk into my door. I then I get the kiss. The kiss I had to awkwardly avoid the last time he was here because my boyfriend was in the other room.

Oh I just have to say this. Babies. What is the fuckin deal with babies. There is practically a motosycle gang of pregnant women in my life. Jesus christ, when did I get to the point in my life where my friends and family getting pregnant doesn't mean another woman to add to the teen statisic of kids not using birth control. I have to be excited that someone is gonna squat out a child and act like its a completely normal part of life. Woah. Am I on acid right now?

I had an out of body experience this week. Teaching a class for a day. Did you know that I actually know things? Did you know that helping someone figure out their work is incredibly rewarding? Did you know that I loved every second and it sealed my choice to go the grad school? Did you know that after the class I talked to Richard and I fucking love that man with all my heart? Well if you didn't now you know, and thats how I rock your face off. I tell you things that you don't need to know but make you better person.

or something like that


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