Wednesday, February 06, 2008

I kick ass.

I had a great great day. I finally got a new table....after how many months??? Jeez Ang get on that. Anywho, I put it all together myself, moved things in and out of my apartment like the Hulk. I was literally growling and turning green as I lugged that huge red excuse for a picnic table down my ice rink steps. Luckily I was wearing bright pink rain boots, so everything was evened out.

Somedays my jokes don'y go over well..."oh you weren't actually talking about tossed salads, you were talking about children getting raped in Africa..I don't get it"
Yeah well, you wouldn't. Jeeesh, you try to bring a level sophisication to a conversation and this is what happens. You know what, eat I'm not talking about salads again. You know, what I'm over this. You suck. Now go buy me a beer. Oh and I'm definetly not sleeping with ever. Actually forget about the beer I'm gonna go watch Two and Half Men until American Idol comes on. I just wanna watch people sing. Then maybe I'll check out Hairspray. I love cross dressed jazz handing people. I gives me hope for this great nation of ours.

So its been an amazing day. I also finished washing ALL my clothes, sheets, towels, and all my other stuff that needed to be washed like a germ soaked bag of everything my life has been the last two weeks. Its awesome how rewarding a trip to Poultney's Laundromat can be. I was even so kind as to making a silver star out of aluminum foil.

And that's all that happening tonight.

I wanna say "that's what she said" but I can't. It is too obvious and not really funny. But I thought about it...I thought about it really hard. And that what I said.


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