Wednesday, March 05, 2008

You smell like pie and child labor laws....but only when I stand up wind of you.

Today was very very fine today.
I woke up very very early. I had an American Idol date with Frank last night. American Idol was fuckin kick ass and having someone to watch it with that was super excited was fucking awesome, But after the show it was not as super awesome. The guy is pretty chill but he likes to sing. This guy is a singer.
And I don't think one has lived until she in interuted mid conversation because this hug beast of man sitting next to her wants to belt out some show tunes. I think he officially cured my want for my life to be one giant musical. Turns out its kinda awkward. He's also more self involed than I am. I'm way way way to self invovled to be with someone who shares that with me.
Patience has never been something I've been able to claim.

But it was very very icey last night. So instead of driving home I decided to walk. I decided to walk even after an invitation to stay the night. I slid all the way home with my pink boots in all their glory.
So i woke up and walked back....its a long walk to make before 8 in the morning. It was like taking the walk of shame to and from nowhere at all. When I got home Brett called...he was a little cranky, but it happens. Still a good thing he called when he did, it made my night seem more like sunny skies, bad tans, warm weather, and weird weird love.

Long story short....

I decided to wacth American Idol alone tonight. Best choice I've made in a few years by far.

And then to kick my day up a notch. I fucking met Peter Krause today. And by met I mean scanned his items, asked for his money, chatted for a while about the weather and his vacation, and then bagged his shit perfectly. He even said "Nice talk to you Angie" He's one of those name tag guys...i like that a lot. As soon as he was outta the store I checked his credit card slip and yes it was him....Krause, Peter. I'm a stalker. If he was like a second more famous I could have been in People next week as his new Vermont clerk girlfriend.
Its pretty fuckin weird to see someone in real life that you watched on a television show on DVD. His face holds many memories of Alaska and Jordan and being the freshman and thinking I was way cooler than I actually was.

(For all ya'll who don't know, Peter Krause played Nate in Six Feet Under.)

So that was sweet. Life hands ya little things to let you know there's cool shit out there.
Sew that on a pillow.
Or design a Precious Moments pastel sculptue with that theme

But then on the way home from my kick ass celebrity bagging date, I ran over a bunny. It was very very sad, I sort of cried. Its really shocking to think that my car could kill something. Seeing as how I relate my car to being pretty chill and a place to sing musical numbers without the judgment of the outside world.
Bunnies are awesome, if I could wear a braclet to express my pain, I would. Braclets are a good way to let people know you have a deep inner side that you have a firm grip on. changing.

Well I should sleep. I have many hours of work tomorrow and I'm decorating cakes all day. Life is good baby. Good.


At 9:07 PM , Blogger Willy said...



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