Thursday, August 21, 2008

The large and terrible frog, terribly large, and largely terrible

I got an IM today.
"I miss you"
I closed the window so fast, I barely read the "you".
Not the day for this, I thought.

I sat for a second and tried to remember the good things, the wonderful moments, and I know they are there but I can't seem to remember a single one. All I could remember today was blank space, as emo as that shit sounds. There's nothing left there anymore.
Just quiet and the end of something that I can't seem to recall.


My chest hurts and I need a drink.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

If you aint got no money take your broke ass home.

Well everything has to come to an end and they have.
The theater is a weird, cult-like, almost euphoric place to be.
There's all these people, people you want to be friends with. And by you, I mean me.
When I'm away from any of them for more than a 12 hour period, I get the best welcome back in the world. Everyone stops by the box office, stops and gush "ANNNNNGGGGGG I miss you!!! Where have you been? What are you doing? Do you wanna hang out tonight?" And I eat that shit up like I'm a starving child in Africa. In return I do the same when they leave and return 2 days later. It's amazing. Drama. It drives the whole summer. Its beautiful as fuck.

I've now started a new job, a real job. A job that requires me to have a "work" persona. It feels a bit strange and completely dishonest. When someone makes a comment like "I was so tired I almost fell asleep at my desk!" followed by a huge laugh, a laugh as if they had come up with the phrase, a laugh as if they had thought about it the night before and thought 'this is gonna be a real zinger', I just want to throw their stapler through the window and punch their computer screen. Instead, I laugh too, I say something like "You're hilarious, I cant BELIEVE you are that tired, wow, you must be the most tired person in the world, you're a real hoot, you know that, do you know what a freakin hoot you are" In the real world, people love that. That reaction will at least get you on a Christmas card list somewhere. A card with a happy family, a tree, and a dog. I don't know what is worse, being not funny with a perfect Christmas card to send out or being secretly hilarious and having a problem with drinking.
You decide.
I prefer being funny, there's less clean up.

Well I have to take a nap and take my dog for walk.
My life is so exciting right now I could stab myself in the leg.
Happy Holidays

Other than that